Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Skewed Research

In the name of testing creativity researchers can go to any extent. Consider this example I picked it from the book :59 Seconds by Professor Richard Wiseman.

Can you add a single line to the following equation to make it correct? ('not equal to' is not a solution):

l0 l0 ll = l0.50

Spend some time here. Then uncover the answer hidden in the gray box below (click and drag):

Place a horizontal line over the second 'l' to get
l0 TO ll = l0.50
(It is time: Ten to Eleven = Ten-Fifty)

Now if you are a normal person, then chances are that you could not solve it. Unless someone has a funny sort of creative mind, this cannot be solve. Why? No one writes Ten-Fifty as 10.50. The convention is to write it as 10:50, right?

What is the purpose of such exercises? Does it really test your creativity? Or perhaps, researchers derive some sadistic pleasure by deliberately misleading.

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1 comment:

Anjana said...

Hello, how can you use the rational mind to evaluate creativity. Creativity is not about following rules, norms and conventional practices. I dont know if this test is an accurate measure of creativity and I am not qualified to debate on that. But I do know that creative people are twisted in their heads. They do NOT think like normal people and that's what makes them creative. I would think that is what, people call 'Creative licence'

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