Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Alphainventions - an update on paid subscription

Quite some time ago I blogged about Alpha Inventions. It is manna from heaven for bloggers. You get traffic and you get to see many blogs - both highly desirable.

Traffic in 100's is a given. However, if you want an explosion in traffic then you must try out the paid subscription of Alpha Inventions.

I used the AIID (Stands for Alpha Inventions IDentification, I think) subscription for two months.

Here’s what it does to you and your blog.

1) You are down by $10 per month.

2) Your blog witnesses an explosion of traffic. On days, I managed to get 2000+ visits with corresponding increased advertisement clicks (that sort of neutralizes point 1 above)

3) It reduces your effort to increase hits. Submit your blog once along with your AIID# and go do other jobs.

The Alphainventions team is prompt with dispatching your AIID#.

I benefited from the paid subscription. So this is something I would recommend trying out if HUGE traffic is your goal.

Caution: To capture the fickle bloggers' attention is entirely up to your content and attractiveness of your presentation. Most of the views on your blog actually represent a short term exposure of your blog to the numerous viewers who are viewing Alpha Inventions at any given time.

For those who are wondering if I will continue using AIID subscription ... I would have loved to continue but what I wish to promote using AIID subscription currently blocks the reading cycle. So till the Alpha Inventions finds a solution, I am off AIID subscription and back to normal free submission.

And yes, I do miss the 1000’s of visits already.

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Anonymous said...

That's interesting, I wondered how the subscription process worked. But as you say, the hits are fleeting...


Anonymous said...

alphainventions is a great tool,but by far the most important tool is visiting other sites and commenting on them.i have noticed our faithful readers hit our blog everyday,without alphainventions.most readers seldom leave a comment.but we get about 50-60 emails daily.i try to answer each email but i have to confess sometimes it is overwhelming,and some do slip by unanswered.we have 7 authors,what i miss usually one of the others will take care of.

i enjoy hitting the blogs from alphainventions and exploring them!it's a great tool for finding other blogs!

anyway,good post.


Anonymous said...

The number of hits with the subscription has more than doubled with a subscription for me - usually around 1500/day. I also got Statcounter.com, which analyses them, and while the hits are huge, only half stay long enough to read anything, and 100-150/day are return readers - though this number seems to be growing slowly but steadily. I am hoping the return readers are a following being built - although the vast majority of them are coming to me thru Alpha. I think in order to really grow, they need to be coming to me from bookmarks or other links.
So I see Alpha as a very useful tool, but it's not a magical answer. I've still got to network and do all the other promo things to grow the blog - even if they don't give me those fabulous numbers instantly.

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