Friday, October 24, 2008

Let's Learn German Together - Lesson 4

Before I start I must thank the eight subscribers. You give me the encouragement to go on. Thank you.

The story so far ...

You have met up with your pen friend at the Airport in Frankfurt. After the initial exchanges you are now sitting at the Cafe at the airport.

She calls for a waiter ...

She: "Entschuldigen Sie! Herr Ober!" (Excuse me! Mr. waiter! aintshooldigen zee. hair obair.)
Ober: "Guten Tag! Was möcheten Sie?" (Good Morning. What would you like? gooten takh. waas moechten zee)
She: "Ich möchte eine Tasse Tee. Mit Zitrone, bitte." (I would like a cup of tea please. WIth lime please. issh moechtay eye-nay tassay tay. mitt tsitronay bittay)

Ober: "Sicher!" (turning to you) "And what would it be for you?" (Sure! ... zisshair)
You (smiling): "Ich verstehe Deutsch! Und ich nehme ein Glas Saft. Orangensaft!" (I understand German. And I will take a glass of orange juice. issh fairstayhay doyachey. oont issh naymay eye-n glass zaft. oraan-gain-zaft)

Ober: "Sehr gut! Sonst noch etwas?" (Very good. anything else? shayer goot. zonst nauch ate-wass)
You (to your friend): Möchtest du etwas? (Would you like anything? moechtest doo ate-wass)
She (fudgeting with her mobile): Wie bitte? (Sorry! v bittay)
You: Möchtest du noch etwas zu essen? (Would you like anything else to eat? moechtest doo nokh ate-wass tsu aissen)
She: Ja! Zweimal Schokoladekuchen. Für beide. (Yes. Two chocolate cakes. For both. ja. tswai-maal shock-o-laaday-cookhain. fuer bye-day )

Ober: Sofort! (immediately. zoforct)

Please note all the endings with "ay" like in moechtay needs to be pronounced abruptly. Do no linger on the "ay" for too long.

Interesting points:

a) "s" at the beginning of a word or syllable is pronounced like "zed"
b) Now that dreaded work "Sie". It means you. To be used when talking to seniors, complete strangers, officially, formally, and when in doubt whether to use du or Sie.

c) The most important word in German along with thank you is "bitte" - please. Use it whenever possible.
d) "Wie bitte" - actually translates to "how please". But as a set phrase always used to be "what please?", "pardon", etc.

e) "noch" is used for "still", "yet", etc. But needs to be seen in context.
f) the bit "mal" used in "zweimal" actually means times. But used in context here, it just means two. "Zwei" is two. The next lesson will be entirely dedicated to numbers. The earlier we learn the numbers the better for us.

By now you have a big list of vocabulary. So translate the following.

i) I would like tea.
ii) Would you like something to drink?
iii) I (will) take chocolate cake.

Happy Diwali.

To see all the german lessons on one page click here => Check out my lens

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i) Ich möchte Tee.
ii) Möchtest du etwas Trinken?
iii) Ich nehme Schokolade Kuchen.

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