Saturday, December 20, 2008

Essential Read For Air Travelers

Have you wondered why after exchanging a few words at the check-in counter your entire flight in ruined?

You get a seat next to an over-sized person ... your seat is the nearest to a toilet ... Or the air hostess who is nice and smiling to everyone else doesn't seem to be responding to your needs.

Welcome to the real world of the service industry.

So, if you are a first time traveler or a frequent flier, pick up Air Babylon by Imogen Edwards-Jones & Anonymous on your way to the airport. It will open your eyes to what happens behind the scene of the airline industry.

As per the author, "All of the following is true. ... The anecdotes, stories, situations, highs, lows, scams, drugs, love, death and insanity are all as told to me by Anonymous - a wide and varied collection of people who work at the heart of the airline industry. ... Narrated by Anonymous, the stories have been condensed into twenty-four hours, but everything else is as it should be."

The novel is written in a racy style and is hilarious. There are a lot of swear words thrown in, so be careful before you ask your kids to read it. It is a fun read.

And oh yes! Please be polite at the check-in counter.

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